This LAS is intended to introduce students to learning and problem solving in Physics.
Keep in mind
- Students often have trouble with the somewhat abstract concept of energy. Try to use their intuitive understanding of the concept (having more energy or less energy to run or play a sport, for example).
- Some students can find the use of the Greek language overwhelming. If questions arise, guide students to recognize the importance of the concepts behind Geometrika, Energia, Physika more than the names, by using examples from daily life.
If you have questions or comments, please leave them below.
Who should ask the questions, the teacher, or the students on their own? Is this meant to be a reflective activity to be done quietly and individually by each student on their own, or interactively as a group?
The questions serve as guide for anyone confronted with a physics problem or physical system for analysis, whether teacher, student, or researcher. This preliminary LAS is meant to be done individually. However, informal discussions or conversations about it perhaps outside the formal classroom would enhance absorption or internalization of the guide. Regarding the use of Greek or Greek inspired words (which are close to the English terms), I meant this to serve as aide memoire. Often, a twist in spelling of otherwise familiar words, just like some dissonance in music, triggers memory recall. Of course, other suggestions for similar one-word terms are welcome.
Regarding concretization of the concept of energy in the physical sense, this will be developed later. This preliminary LAS may serve to stimulate in the mind of the reader questions that will be answered or discussed as the course unfolds.
Thank you! These are all very helpful answers and this is all much clearer now!